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- 2024/07/13
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A quality remote administration tool was the top request we had from our macro exploit users, and that's how Venom Software was born. There's no easier way to spread your exploit in any environment, and take advantage of remote file management & registry / command access.
️Clients control
️Remote system
️System information
️File manager
️Startup manager
️Task manager
️Remote shell
️TCP connection
️Reverse proxy
️Registry editor
️Elevate client permissions
️Remote control
️Remote desktop
️Remote webcam
️Remote microphone
️Velos stealer
️Remote execute
️Visit website
️Show message box
️Hidden vnc viewer
️Hidden rdp
️Pastebin uploader
️Word exploit
️Ring 3
️Anonfile uploader
高质量的远程管理工具是我们从宏漏洞利用用户那里得到的首要要求,这就是 Venom Software 诞生的原因。没有比这更简单的方法来传播你的漏洞,并利用远程文件管理和注册表/命令访问。
️远程 shell
️TCP 连接
️Velos 窃取者
️隐藏的 vnc 查看器
️隐藏的 rdp
️Pastebin 上传器
️粘结 剂
️Word 漏洞利用
️环 3
️Rootkit 模块
A quality remote administration tool was the top request we had from our macro exploit users, and that's how Venom Software was born. There's no easier way to spread your exploit in any environment, and take advantage of remote file management & registry / command access.

高质量的远程管理工具是我们从宏漏洞利用用户那里得到的首要要求,这就是 Venom Software 诞生的原因。没有比这更简单的方法来传播你的漏洞,并利用远程文件管理和注册表/命令访问。